To Do List
- Tasks that will be addressed in the near future.
- Increase the number of the anchor files that can be downloaded from the page "Mammalian Data".
- Implement a program that converts the results of OSfinder into the input of the MGR program, which computes the reversal distance, in order to support the analyses regarding the genome rearrangement.
- Implement a program that converts the results of OSfinder into the input for fast multiple sequence aligner such as MAVID and MUSCLE in order to support the computation of whole genome alignments.
- Future works.
- Make it possible to calculate the P-value of the orthologous segments identified by OSfinder, and to evaluate the statistical significance of the results of OSfinder.
- Develop a software for detecting duplicated segments on the basis of the probabilistic theory because the current version of OSfinder cannot apply to intra-genome comparisons.